The first DECT phones designed for businesses that help increase your productivity and are secure by design
W-AIR is a turnkey cordless DECT solution. Wildix offers a multicell DECT W-AIR Sync Plus Base Station solution that supports up to 16,000 cordless VoIP handsets/headsets and a single-cell W-AIR Small Business Solution.
The W-AIR LifeSaver, W-AIR Office and W-AIR Basic2 are cordless VoIP phones fully integrated into the Wildix system and easy to install. The signal coverage is very extensive, thanks to the base-repeater system.
W-AIR Med has an antibacterial coating and is specifically designed to be used in hospitals, nursing homes and medical facilities.
The W-AIR system uses the CAT-iq protocol that allows data and voice transfer on the radio channel and offers advanced features, such as access to the shared phonebooks and presence status monitoring.